Mindful Journeys That
Transform Everyday Life

Let's get acquainted... watch the video


Discover the world of Frank Baler: a spiritual adventure novel:

These are my most popular programs. I offer 1 on 1 private sessions for individuals and couples, group sessions and a number of online courses:

Hypnosis in Action


These articles will brighten your day

Some testimonials



"This is nothing like I've ever seen before. I had been to several therapists and never was able to feel any of them actually cared about getting to the root of the problem, and actually cure it, heal it for good. I have no words to express my gratitude to Flavio. My life is definitely mine to live now, I don't feel I'm a prisoner of the circumstances, or a victim of other people's actions. I'm successful in what I do and this is just the beginning."

Ken H.

"Great instructor, fantastic contents and a gracious approach to the topic. Love listening to the lectures - even though it is not new to me, it is the first time in years that it somehow clicks differently in my brain and I understand things on another level than I did before (if that makes sense ...). I'm not an native english speaker, but Flavio is very good to understand and I enjoy his lectures very much!"

Cim M.

"My husband and I were facing one of the most difficult periods of our lives. Our teenager daughter presented behavioral issues that we couldn't manage. Flavio excelled in working with each of us individually and our family as a whole, to restore balance and bring the so much needed healing and peace."

Ana C.

Meditation Club

This is a vault filled with guided meditations to help you achieve many mindful journeys. There is also an entire course on how  Meditation will help you grow.


Two Step

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