My Story...


About stuff that happens in life...

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Some time during high school the thought that I would die at the age of 52 popped into my mind.

That thought never left me, but I would say that i never paid attention to it.

Looking back, of course, i never planned my life, never thought long-term, had no retirement plans or financial arrangements of any type. I just lived, and did pretty much what I wanted.

I left a cozy job at the University teaching engineering and doing scientific research; a job I loved, to become a hypnotherapist, something I knew nothing about.

I had one marriage and two daughters; then another marriage and two more daughters. Then I left my second wife for really complicated reasons. Five months prior to turning 53 I had a near death experience that changed my life.

Coming back from that NDE is the topic of my fourth book: Finding TH. Having come back, something I did not believe would ever happen, is also what I help other people do now.

The most difficult experience I ever faced turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. 

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